Anthroposophical Society in America
Greater Washington,DC, Branch

The purpose of the Branch is to coordinate and promote events of interest to the anthroposophical and general community in the Greater Washington, DC, area. Here you will find information on upcoming activities, accounts of recent ones and links to the websites of many anthroposophical initiatives in the area.
"Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, to guide the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe. It arises in man as a need of the heart, of the life of feeling; and it can be justified only inasmuch as it can satisfy this inner need. He alone can acknowledge anthroposophy, who finds in it what he himself in his own inner life feels impelled to seek. Hence only they can be anthroposophists who feel certain questions on the nature of man and the universe as an elemental need of life, just as one feels hunger and thirst."
Rudolf Steiner, from Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts
Recurring Meetings and Study Groups
Branch Study Group - ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US!
Washington, D.C.
Our meetings are usually once a month from 10 am-noon. The day of the
month varies. Currently we are studying the lectures "The Foundations of
Human Experience" given by Rudolf Steiner in 1919. We are pleased if others
are interested and welcome inquiries. For additional information please contact Brenda Freeman (brenda_freeman2002@yahoo.com).
Northern Virginia Anthroposophical Study Group
Alexandria, Virginia
We currently meet virtually twice a month on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:00 pm. The group is now studying Rudolf Steiner's 1911 lectures Inner Realities of Evolution.
For information contact Barbara Cousens (barbaracousensvg@gmail.com).
Biodynamic Agriculture and Gardening Gathering
College Park, Maryland
We meet monthly on a Saturday from 8:30am - 4:00pm
The day's activities include study of Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture and Bee lecture cycles, social time and practicing biodynamic agriculture; join us for as much or
as little as your interest and time permit. For information contact Michael Judge (Mjudge2000@gmail.com).
The First Class of the School of Spiritual Science
The main content of First Class meetings consists of the nineteen lessons and mantras that Rudolf Steiner gave to members of the School of Spiritual Science
in 1924. We meet once a month to experience these lessons. People who have been members of the Anthroposophical Society for at least two years are welcome to seek to become members of the School. For additional information please contact Nancy Foster (nfoster14thst@gmail.com) or Patrick O’Meara (pfomeara@gmail.com) .
The Festivals Group
Meets monthly in upper northwest DC and offers festival gatherings through the year. For more information contact Richard Swerling (eupleura@aol.com).
The First Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

Upcoming Events
Past Events
Contemplating the Resurrection – An Inner Path toward a Living Picture of Easter
Wednesday April 16th – 7:30-9:00 pm
The Festivals Group invites you to a reading and contemplative inquiry into the meaning of the Easter festival. Further details can be found here.
The Magi and the Shepherds: A Holy Nights Gathering
On December 29th, the Festivals Group hosted a lecture reading framed by lyre music and the lighting of candles. Further details can be found here.
Rudolf Steiner’s Birthday:
Sharing our Gratitude - February 27th
The Festivals Group hosted an evening of honoring the gifts Rudolf Steiner has brought to our lives. Further details can be found here.
All Soul's Gathering: An Evening of Remembrance On November 1st, the Festivals Group offered an evening of remembering those who have crossed the threshold. Further details can be found here.
Eurythmy and the Seven Arts
On October 17th, there was a presenation and performance by Eurythmist Gabrielle Armenier at the Washington Waldorf School. Further details can be found here.
A Michaelmas Conversation: In Search of a New Approach - September 29th
The Festivals Group hosted an exploration of community building on a Zoom call.
Further details can be found here.
Also in the Region
A St. John's Gathering - June 24th
The Festivals Group hosted an observance of St. John's that included music, poetry and a reading.
Further details can be found here.
The Raphael Branch, Baltimore, Maryland
For information on the Raphael Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in the Baltimore area contact Jeff Bronow: jbronow@gmail.com.
Initiatives Arising Out of Anthroposophy
There are a number of other initiatives in the region that are inspired by anthroposophy including Waldorf schools and biodynamic farms. Links to the websites of some of these can be found on the Related Initiatives page.